This translates to: Take the sweet, Take the bitter too.
I was watching a drama today, and I think that this is such a great life motto.
It shows that in life, there is good, and bad, and we as humans, should take both.
Without knowing the good, how would we know the bad? And without knowing the bad, how would we know when we've been blessed with the good?
Imagine if everything was good, i can guarantee that everything would feel average.
Even if something amazing happened, we would be like, 'well, that happens all the time.'
We as humans are really ungrateful of what we are given, even when we have the chance to experience the bad, so seriously, take a moment to imagine if everything in this world was good.
I can tell you straight away that it wouldn't be as fun as you'd think.
What I'm trying to say is, whilst you appreciate all the good things when they come to you, know that there will be bad times in your life as well.
When you're happy, know that bad things are bound to come your way, and know that when you're sad, and in a bad place in life, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and good things will come your way in time, thats just not how life works.
If i had the choice, id still want to experience the bad that I've already experienced in my life.
And as I'm only 21, i can tell you now that i will have many more bad experiences to come.
And i welcome them into my life to make me a better person, because having a chance to better myself is something that i should take advantage of.
There is no such thing as a perfect person, and no matter how much you think another person may be perfect, they aren't.
There are so many underlying factors that you may not know about, and even if you do know that person like the back of your hand, you are not them.
You may see others being very happy, having the 'perfect' life that you may think you want.
But are you saying that you are currently unhappy?
Because i believe that as long as you are happy, then why should you focus on what is making you unhappy, and what you are 'lacking'. Instead, you should focus on what you have, because that is what your life is, and you should be happy with what you have.
Im not saying that you shouldn't follow your dreams, of course thats not what I'm saying, it is always good for a person to have aims and goals.
But what i mean is, if you aren't happy with what you currently have, then what makes you think that you'll be happy just because you have 'more'?
Is that 'more' really what you need? Or is it just something that you feel like you need because you feel like you don't have everything that you want?
What I'm asking is, are you being greedy?
Im a girl, you don't have to tell me about unnecessary wants.
There are a TONNE of unnecessary wants on my list, and yeah, if i got that handbag i want, then yeah, id be happy.
But would it really make me 'happy'?
What even is the meaning of the word 'happy'?
Again, i can tell you straight away, that the happiness i get when i get that handbag, would feel nothing like the happiness that i feel when, lets say, i see my dad after not seeing him for ages, or having a catch up dinner with my friends, or cuddling with BL after a long day of doing nothing.
That there, is happiness, something that you can feel within.
So i guess what I'm trying to get at today is, determine the different types of happiness, and figure out which one is most important, cos i can tell you that its not the materialistic happiness that will get you through the days.
Which leads me to another point, people who say they'd choose money over love.
Ahhhh, what are you thinking dear human?!
Definitely, no question.
You could ask me that again, and again, and again, and id still give you the same answer.
No question.
Okai, now that i think about it, todays blog post has been a bit wishy washy and a bit here and there, but i guess thats how I'm feeling tonight.
Im lying in bed you see bloggy, and I've had a strange day..
I woke up at 09:30, cos CT was getting the train back home today, and so i said id go into town with her.
Then i went to boots to buy some cream.
But then i came back home and at 12, i fell asleep again till 4..
So i missed my lecture and seminar..
I was ridiculously, insanely tired.
It was so abnormal I'm telling you T_T
Then afterwards, i went back into town cos GUESS WHAT?!
I opened the cream and it was empty..
But i guess it got me outta the house LOL.
And then i spent the rest of the day doing nothing.
I miss BL today, he's been a good boy and he's been doing work for the past two days.
I decided not to see him for the next two weeks cos he has a lot of work to do, and i guess i should start my projects too.
The end of my university journey is closing in on me..
Seriously, where the poop has the time gone?!
But yeah, i miss him today, and then i was on tumblr just now, and i saw this post:
I guess the thing that BL said that fit right into the empty place in my heart was: 'DAPHNE!'
If you guys have read my previous blog posts on how we met and what happened between us etc, you'll know why.
But the second he called my name that night after he came outta the club really did make me smile.
And that was the first time he made me smile.
I know he meant it as a friend, and i didn't think of it as more than a friendly thing, but it really did make me smile for some reason.
BL, if you ever read this, thank you for calling my name that night ^^"
Well bloggy, I'm done blogging for today, maybe il blog more again soon!
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