Thursday 19 April 2012

190412 ♥ x

Its currently the 19th of April 2012.. Just..
And i say just because its 23:58.. So that leaves 2 minutes until it is midnight.. Therefore, the 20th.
So should i change my post title seeing as il be posting on the 20th?
Nahh... Either way, i should just shuttup about that and apologise for not having blogged since november?!
Thats a long time, like 5 months?
Nearly half a year!
Mmm, well a lot has happened since november, with friends, family, boyfriend, uni..
I guess uni just changes people.
The past 3 months have not been the best three months of my life, i can openly admit that.. Yeah, it definitely has not been the best part of my life, but there have been ups to compliment the downs!

During the first semester of uni, i tried, not my hardest, but i did try, and this meant passing 3 outta my 4 modules.
Language is definitely not the one.. 17% is NOT the one hahahaha.
But. i can intact retake, and so, what else can i do apart from laugh about it?
Cos i can't change it now..
So getting that result, i thought, right, in semester 2, i have to try harder.
LOL, if try harder means doing fuck all and sitting around like a fat shit, then yeah, i tried harder.
This results in me being a complete disappointment to my parents.
Well, you know my dad, understanding as ever, and telling me to just try harder, which i haven't done, so that makes me a kinda failure of a child.
My mum, well you guys know about my mum, piling on the stuff about how shit my uni is, and i dunnoes, it makes me feel pretty shit.

Its currently easter holidays, i go back to BHAM on sunday the 22nd.
Ive been in Surrey for 3 weeks and i have done JACK ALL.
I kept being like, il do it later! And obviously, knowing me, i didn't.
I only managed to see my LDN babies once and Heathside babies once..
Disappointing i know.. But there were certain events that i didn't want to attend for certain reasons.
I saw FH and JF a few times, cos TCs house was free for 2 weeks, most of my friends have been back at uni since sunday, so that just leaves me all on my lonesome!

So yeah, anyway, back to doing work, i haven't done any at all.
I had a drama and poetry assignment to do before easter, and i passed them both.
I did them both the day before they were due, the panic seriously gives me a massive kick.
If I'm not panicked, i don't feel the need to do it and i just procrastinate, does that make me a (minor) adrenaline junkie? Hahaha =p
Nah, id like to think of it as, 'need the pressure'!
There are two projects due for 2 weeks time, that are group projects, so naturally I'm more prepared for those two because other people are flying on me as well. If only i could do that for myself, cos ultimately, I'm still relying on myself..

Ah well! BHAM has been somewhat a change after christmas, a lotta shit has gone down.
CT and KY are now living together next year at The Heights, and me, CT and KC are living at Cosmopolitan together!
Whats awkward is that The Heights is right behind Cosmo.. So err, well yeah!
Were going to be living on the 12th floor! Thank god I'm not afraid of heights!
Originally, me, CT and KC applied together, but CT applied a few days after me and KC.
We all got offers though! But we hadn't been put together because of the lack of rooms left.
Well, i called up about my offer, not knowing that me and KC had got put together, and the nice man told me who id be living with and he says KCs name! I was soooo happy, proper thanking this guy LOL! He sounded kinda freaked out, ahh well!
Then he told me id be living with 4 guys.. I was NOT having that, so i suggested they put CT with us cos there was a guy who was unsure about going to Cosmo anyway, SO YEAH! Us three are together!
SH was gonna come live with us if we hadn't got offers at Cosmo, but we did, so i dunno what he's gonna do ><
But we did say he could crash with us anytime!
It would've been nice for KC if SH had joined us, shame he didn't apply for Cosmo, although i think you needa be a student to apply to live there. Im not really sure..

Oh yeah, the reason i didn't go to as many pub events as id have liked..
I dunno, i don't wanna go into detail about the reason, cos every time i think about it, i just wanna think about something else.
Lets just say i wasn't up for it for 2/3 times.
So lets just leave it at that, this is not the type of detail i wanna go into.
Forget it.

OH YEAH, how could i forget to mention that i bought a guitar?!
My beautiful Yamaha guitar!
Well, my mammy and deddy bought me it, but yeah!
And I'm learning to play some stuff, like valentine, super bass, best friend.
Loving ittttt!
Hurts my fingers like a bitch though, cos I'm still new to it, and it just hurts so much T_T
I don't practice as much as i like, but what do i do as much as i like tbh? BOOOO!
Im really bad, i can't concentrate on anything for too long, which sucks.
Maybe i should just change that, but its kinda hard to change I'm guessing. Ive never tried so i wouldn't know.
NOONES CHANGING ME BITCHHH, hahahah kidding! If i really needed to change, then id do it if it was for the better.
Ive also neglected my piano since i got my guitar, which is bad. Im sorry piano, i still love you!
But yeah, wait till I'm one of those famous youtubers who play piano and guitar!
HAHAHAHA, as iffff, i really don't have the patience for that!
Yeah, when that day comes.. LOL

Its been great spending time with my daddy, i miss him so much whilst I'm at uni, i always worry about him, and he's not getting any younger. This worry sometimes makes me really sad, it makes me think bad things, like, what might happen whilst I'm not there, and it just freaks me out. I should probably stop thinking like that.. Seeing as he has more of a social life than i do and he's turning 72 this year..
He made me sucha nice dinner tonight, videos up on Facebook!
Hahaha, i love him so much ^^
Oh yeah, also got to see K&K this easter!
So haps ^^
Fish and chips with I Am Number Four, then camwhoring with Kirst as usual, then tryna camwhore with Kerry, and failing, as usual T_T
That girl.. I WILL GET HER ONE DAYYYYY! Mwahhaha!
It felt so good being back with them! Ive missed my best friends too much!
Like, it feels as though, however much uni has pulled us in different directions, well, kirsts still in Surrey, but with Kerry in the South, and me nearing the North, it can be hard to keep a friendship going.
Its easy for them two of course, they're sisters, nothings ever gonna change that T_T
But me, I'm like an addition, we treat each other like family, and they treat me like a sister.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm thankful that i have them in my life, because no matter where we are, when were back together, it feels exactly the same. No awkwardness, no arguments, nothing. Even if we hardly talk whilst were all busy doing our own thing, when were together, its great, and i am truly grateful for that! FankyouMisterGod ^^
Our friendship is totally different to a lot of best friends friendships.
I have a friend, who will not be named, that has drifted a lott since uni started.
And i can't blame her, people change and they're not the same as they were, but that doesn't mean you stop being best friends.
Best friends stick through everything together.
Best friends don't have to necessarily talk daily to love each other.
Thats what i don't get, those best friends who need to talk to each other daily, even if it is forced, just to keep a friendship going.
No. Thats not how it works. Just no. Every definition of best friend is different, but my definition?: You are still best friends no matter where you are. You don't need to constantly talk to know that you're best friends. That just shows your insecurity. Friendships are different to relationships. You don't need to always be talking, its not how it works.
But hey, thats just my opinion right? :)

Got to spend time with TC, spent 3 nights at his in total over the 2 weeks, so not too much!
But then, i guess I'm used to sleeping in the same bed as him now cos i see him more at uni than at home.. Hahaha, what is this atrocity?!
So weird, we've been together nearly 19 months now! And the amount of times we've cuddled and shared a bed, i can't even count.. Its been an amazing 19 months ^^
Wow, honestly, it feels like quite a long time, cos this is a serious relationship, like were in love with each other, and yeah!
Theres no other way to describe it.
If you told me tell you what i loved about him, i couldn't, and to quote TC, 'love can't be measured.'
And he's totally right.
So weird, how me and Kirst were talking about me turning 20 at the end of this year.
I am so bloody old..
Anyways, i was saying that i would have to get married in 4/5 years!
But yeah, and she was like, TC? And I'm like huh? And I'm like, can you actually imagine us getting married? And she comes out with 'i wouldn't be surprised' and how she's kinda expecting it.'
Hmmm... Hahahha, got me thinking, imma one man girl, so who knows what could happen in the future?!
And FHs been ordering babies off me since a long time ago, and JF decided to join in this game! T_T
Hahahha, me and TC always say we would not sell our babies T_T
What is this boys?! Gahahha ^^
But yeah, its great spending time with him, we went to LDN together last week, and it was sucha good day out.
Going on dates is fun! Im sucha loser, the smallest things make me happy, but I'm glad that he's the one that made me happy on that day :)
I bought a diary from Artbox and lots of cute little stickers and I've been writing in my diary everyday! :)
Knowing me, il give up soon cos i get really lazy and i forget to write then i can't be bothered, and its just so bad.
But I'm writing everything in chinese, i gotta practice my chinese, I'm totally failing!
My fail asian is starting to emerge hahaha, writing and reading wise!
So yeah, gotta keep up the diary writing!

Recently, being the past 3 months recently, his texts haven't been the best.
The cuteness has been drained from them, and it seems like he doesn't know how to be cute anymore.
I get that guys feel that they don't have to constantly reassure their girlfriends that they miss and love them, but knowing girls, we need it once in a while.
TCs gotten pretty lazy with texting, but then i get that he has a lotta assignments to do, and a lot of work to do.
He knows he's got me and doesn't feel the need to try any harder now cos I'm already his. Yeah well, its not as easy as that, relationships arent as easy as that.
I dunnoes. Obviously i love him to pieces, and I'm still in love with him, he's my boyfriend for gods sake, but on the texting level of things, he's not the best at it atm. Like, I'm not blaming him, he prioritises his work and i get that, so I'm not mad or anything. Id call it more, being upset. Il try and start a cutie conversation to whip it outta him, but nothing. So there we have it.. Not something i can change i guess. Im not gonna force something outta him, i can't ask him to do that.
But hey, when were together in person, its amazing, still 100% amazing.
He's the best boyfriend i could ever ask for! And thats all there is to it really.
Hopefully, it'll just come back naturally, il be waiting.


About DeeBeeex

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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