What am i still doing up?
I am tired as, which is weird cos i napped from 8 - 10pm...
I bare ate dinner at like midnight LOL! ><
Me and TC hardly texted much today, we were both busy.
I missed him but he seemed a bit distant today.
But he has days like that, so i guess its okai.
Its just a feeling i have.
Sometimes, it seems like hes happier with me when we dont have a title on us..
Maybe he hates the pressure.
Well i know for sure he hates the pressure and criticism.
Everyone has their reasons.
Well.. tomorrows a new day!
I honestly miss him mega amounts, but i saw him like, 2 days ago.
Maybe i should get used to it and think of it as practice for uni.
Aish what am i gonna do?
Ottokaeyoooo? :(
Im tired, gotta sleep soon, just a small post today ^^
Il leave you with something:

Omnomnomnom :)
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