Its like D=
Its all droopy and grey and just looking like its gonna rain.
Secondly, i am blogging for the first time on my mac! :)
Yes i gotta mac!
Got it on thursdayyy?
Its so beautiful ^^
I also gotta Hello Kitty case for it AHAHA!
Cos i love my Hello Kitty >:]
Love to my uncles and aunties for buying me it <3
I should probably get insurance though, cos I'm bringing it with me to uni!
It best not get stolen T_T
I will not be a happy bunny, i swear to god, fat sai lok man!
LOL, i love how this autocorrects my spelling
I don't like it :(
Cos some words i actually just spell funny on purpose, and its like, awkward...
So the past few days have been very full of tears actually :(
Well.. week really...
I can't believe its 2 weeks till i go to Bham!
Imma be leaving so much behind, i don't know whether I'm uber happy or uber sad.
I do not wanna leave everything behind, it feels like its a completely new start when its not.
Its so odd and such weird feeling ><
So TC came over the other day, and we hung out and he stayed over :)
Some stuff happened and yeahhh.
And we talked about stuff, and how were staying together for uni.
Haaa, he has a rice cooker thats big enough for me and him >:] *smugface*
My rice cookers quite medium sized actually!
Cos my mum was like, then you can put other food in it and make it at the same time as the rice!
And it also keeps warm, my really mini one doesn't keep rice warm :(
SO that isn't the best!
2KL came over on Friday before work (okai, at this point, can i just point out that they didn't autocorrect Friday for me, but they autocorrected my other stuff T_T How silly...)
Yeah, and this means that my first photo album was created on my laptop! :D

Work has been boring the past 2 days, well whens it ever been fun?
But yeah, its been uber boring, but making money and saving it for uni is important right now!
My wireless doesn't seem to work for my laptop, so i gotta call apple.
But TC may be coming over tonight, so il see if he can fix it for me ^^
If not, then il call apple.
Okai, so basically, i suck and now its the 5th of September :)
TC came over last night at like 21:30 LMFAO ><
Ooopssyy, but i made it up to him! :D
With lots of hugs :D
Hahahahaha ^^
And now he's sitting right here next to me.
And i made him watch a Mary Kate and Ashley video cos i wanted to watch it cos I'm that cool :)
Hes sucha cutie :)
AS thinks that I've been awkward with her
Its not what i wanted her to think at all :(
Aish, i didn't even realise id been like that at all and i definitely wasn't tryna be like that! ><
Im so sorry :(
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