Monday 30 May 2016

Chocolate | Ice Cream | Taiyaki ~ 29/05/16

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Soft Shell Crab | Futomaki ~ 28/05/16

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Friday 27 May 2016

Spider Roll | Hyper Roll | Hokkai Roll ~ 27/05/16

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Salmon Jyu | Pickles ~ 26/05/16

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Beef Bulgogi | Kimchi | Egg | Noodles ~ 25/05/16

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Tuesday 24 May 2016

Chicken | Lamb | Salad | Garlic Mayo | Schwarma ~ 24/05/16

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Salted Caramel | Strawberry Marshmallow Candy | Pistachio | Raspberry | Macarons ~ 23/05/16

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Cheese | Fries | Shak - Dog ~ 22/05/16

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Banana | Caramel | Marshmallow | Whipped Cream | Frappuccino ~ 21/05/16

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Chicken | Shrimp | Vegetable | Pork | Salmon | Gyoza ~ 20/05/16

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Apple Pie ~ 19/05/16

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Mushroom | Smoked Mozzarella | Brindisi ~ 18/05/16

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Chocolate Chip | Cookie Dough | Vanilla Ice Cream | Whipped Cream | Chocolate Sauce ~ 17/05/16

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Monday 16 May 2016

Chicken | Lamb | Schwarma Wrap | Beef | Chicken | Katsu Curry | Rice ~ 16/05/16

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Sunday 15 May 2016

Pork | Mushrooms | Cabbage | Egg | Noodles ~ 14/05/16

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Chicken | Katsu Curry | Rice ~ 13/05/16

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Garlic Bread | Mozzarella Cheese ~ 12/05/16

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Brownie | White Chocolate Sauce | Mini Pancakes ~ 11/05/16

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Friday 1 August 2014

010814 ~ ♥

Life can be hard, in fact, life can be very hard.
However, as hard as life may seem sometimes, there are always positive moments to celebrate.
Its always the little things that make you appreciate your life, and for me today, i have a lot of small things that are making me appreciate life, and lets me know that i have a lot to be thankful for.
Firstly: My dad bought me roast duck, a beautiful food, and as we all know, food is the way to my heart, whoever you may be.
Secondly: Me, WP and MT have been talking about our states trip that begins in 20 days! I cannot believe, that it is that soon..
We were planning 3 months ago, saying we had ages until we had to go, and now? 3 weeks..
Time ALWAYS flies, seriously, im getting ooooold bloggy, time be FLYINN'.
Thirdly: Me and BL are gonna ft soon =p
NOW, i understand, that some may deem this unimportant, BUT, to me, it is very important ^^
Not only because hes important to me, but because we are going through a change in life.
Were both growing up and have jobs! Which means were both pretty busy.
Were both back at home with our family, and it's no longer, 'see you after work', or 'see you at home bub', or 'you take the keys, youre getting home first'.
Its hard being apart, and so this relatively small action, is what puts a massive smile on my face.

This also teaches me a lesson, that not every thing in life goes to plan.
We have to grow up, we have to accept responsibility, and with that, comes change.
I hate change with a passion, but its happening whether i like it or, and i think that if im to be a mature adult (at the ripe old age of 21, nearly 22), then i have to accept it.
I hope that with this change, mine and BLs relationship will grow, and that we will grow together. And whilst its difficult, it will help us to become stronger, and thats whats really important in a relationship, constant growing and strength ^^
It is definitely a learning process for me, and probably for him too, and this adjustment period is difficult, but its okai.
Every thing is a learning process.
Every thing.
Nothing in life is already known, you have to do things that make you learn, and sometimes, a very tiny occurrence, can be the stem of the biggest lessons to be learnt.

So yeah, lesson learnt today bloggy!


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Thursday 29 May 2014


Hii bloggyy,

I am currently sat in a room full of computer science students..
BL is a comp sci student right? Sooo im like silently keeping him company ^^
I can sit through some comp sci jokes that i dont understand, but i think im really dreading tomorrow..
Sometimes i really wished i did the same subject as him, or was as smart as him, because then it would mean that i could be there when he comes out of his last exam. Id be there the moment he feels like all the stress is gone, or when hes hi-fiving and hugging his coursemates cos theyre DONE.
I cant help him revise, or help him in any way..
Seriously bloggy, i feel like i bring nothing to our relationship.. Im just dumb T_T
I just gotta kinda give silent support, but honestly, whats that gonna do for him?
I feel helplessss, and its soooo stupid that i wish i could be like everyone who can help him, cos i cant..
Lol this is dumb.
I dunno.. Sometimes i feel like were worlds apart when it comes to academics, and i mean, its not all bad, but i think i just wanna be there fort he moment he comes outta that exam.
Kinda sucks..
I mean, i have work anyways, so maybe its dumb.. But still, this seems like something important, like an important moment in his life.
Maybe its greedy of me to wanna share his important moments, but i dunno, thats just how my brain thinks.
And cos i have work, i dont see him till after, but then he has work.. Sooo i dont see him until hours later.
By then, his initial excitement about being finished with exams is gonna be gone.
Meh i dunno, maybe im just being dumbbbb, thats probably it tbh.
Im also typing onnan iPad, which means its actually quite long to type on here haha ^^"
I think that my wisdom tooth pain is making me crazy or something.

Okai imma go bloggy, before my brain dies and spews even more crazy talk.
My ipads also on 8% cos ive been here for about 7 hours and ive just had my ipad to keep me company.
So its gonna die any time soon!

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Sunday 11 May 2014

110514 ~ ♥

Hi bloggy!

So the past few days, i have been feeling.. I don't know what the word iss..
BLs been busy revising, which i am proud of him for.
I don't want to disturb him and i don't expect him to talk to me whilst he's working.
I like that he concentrates on studying, and it makes me proud of him.
And knowing that he's thinking of me even when he's revising makes me happy..
But the other day, we didnt talk pretty much the whole day, and then it got late, and i sapped him asking if he's done revising, and he tells me he's leaguing.
So not only have i not been spoken to because league came first, but then i speak first and its just such a short reply.
Well, anyways, i was like, whatever, he's probably really into the game, but then after its just like, he doesnt realise that I'm upset, that we haven't spoken all day and then a game has first priority.
I know it doesnt seem that way to him, but it does to me.
The fact that he didnt realise i was upset means that i had to explain things to him, and its not that i mind, but sometimes, you don't wanna be the annoying person that says it, but at the same time, i know boys aren't mind readers.
Anyway, i ended up telling him i was upset, cos i just had the heaviest heart and i knew if i didnt tell him, id just explode T_T
So we talked it out and its not like we argued or anything, i was just crying for hours cos I'm emotional, and it really got to me.
Then we were fine, and i explained how i felt etc..
And everything was fine that night and everything was good.

Yano bloggy, I don't mind that he wants to play a game, in fact, i like that he spends time playing with his friends.
I think its important for couples to spend time with other people that aren't in the relationship, and away from each other.
Plus, i think it's the kinda thing where, i think they're playing extra amounts now cos its kind of a stress relief for them from revision. Like they spend the whole day doing something so tiring, and then gaming kinda just lightens their mood.
He never used to play this much.. So I'm guessing its that.. Or maybe I've just got boring now.. LOL i dunno.

And just now, i asked if he's leaguing, cos i wanted to ft him, and he said he's leaguing soon and to not worry cos we see each other in four days.
Here comes the sad part, the sad part is, i think four days is a long time.. And he makes it sound like its no time at all.
And that kinda sucks right? When you can't wait to see that person, and then they make it sound like 'well, its not that long really'.
I think I'm just like meh cos I'm like 'ahhh, four days, so long to waitt :(' but he doesnt seem to mind.
Maybe he didnt mean it that way, i don't know, he's not the best with his words, but thats what it sounded like to me..
And then he said something along the lines of he knew this would happen one day and the solution is for me to play..
Lol i don't think that thats the problem..
Communication is what i want.. Lol i don't really get it..
And around his leaguing 'time', like 10 minutes before, and during, theres not much communication that goes on between us.
I guess i don't really care thaaaat much, its just something thats on my minddd

He said today that he would've liked to see me when i got to Euston from Bham, and that he misses my everything..
But judging by the situation now, it doesnt really seem like it..
I dunno, i feel like I'm asking for too much from him recently, i feel like he feels like he doesnt get why I'm upset cos he thinks he's giving me enough attention. Its not really the attention that i want, one sentence isn't hard to type, and i guess girls just wanna feel loved right?
This is coming out wrong, its not that i don't feel loved, i just feel like i care more.

I guess he's had work today and he's probably tired, but if he's got enough energy to league, then surely he has enough energy to ft me right?
But having said that, like i said before, i just feel like I'm asking too much from him, i don't want him to feel bad, cos he hasn't done anything wrong..
Honestly, i don't even know how to explain my own feelings bloggy, imma bit like meh atm..
I guess its a learning process, something that will make us grow as a couple..
I think its something that i will learn to overlook, because you are supposed to love every part of your significant other ^^
And he's the most significant, significant other that i will ever have.
Maybe il get used to it soon enough.
I guess i just have to accept it and learn to care less.
The more you love someone, the more vulnerable you are, and so, i guess i have to learn to care less!
Love is not always fine and dandy bloggy, there are days when you feel down, but its what makes you grow as a person.
The experiences that take place in your life are what makes you, you.
But, if you love someone, learn to deal with the problem that is making you feel down.
It may not be a problem at all.
It may seem like a problem, but step back and take a look at it from a different angle.
Talking to you has made me less down bloggy! At the beginning, i was teary, and now, my mind is much clearer, thank you :)
Im now in a mature relationship, its true, I've had a longer relationship than this, but this feels real, you know?
It feels so different to before, so much better, like were two people who have a connection, thats more than just a 'relationship'.
Like i can imagine him in my future, that kinda thing..
I dunno, this sounds gay T_T
But all i know is, if i plan on staying with this boy, which i do, then i just have to learn to accept that gaming is a mahuusive part of his life, and that really, its a relatively small problem..
Therefore, League of Legends, I officially bow down and accept second place after you.
You can take my boyfriend for a few hours, but the rest of the time, HES MINEEE! Kekekekekeke ^^"


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Tuesday 15 April 2014

150414 ~ ♥

Bloggy, I've hit that stage of the day where i have a blank mind..
Its 23:40:47 at the moment, why do i feel so empty? ><"
Maybe i should eat that cheesecake.. But its not my tummy that feels empty hahaha.
Its my head that feels empty..
Wassup with meeee? T_T
Im kinda staring at this page just with nothing in my head but yet i felt like typing to you.

Its too early to sleep isn't it?
BLs sat next to me playing guitar, and it sounds really good ^^"
But for some reason, I'm not feeling like haaaappy, i dunno whyyy.
Im not feeling sad or anything, i just feel like my heads really blank atm o.O
I wrote nearly 500 words of my Shakespeare essay, and its not in for another month and 6 days..
Seriously.. WHO AM I?!
Hahaha, nah, BL said he'd be able to concentrate on his project if i did my assignment cos then he wouldn't procrastinate and distract me.
So yeahhhhh!

Another less than 17 minutes until me and BLs 6 months..
Time has flown as usual!
I already gave him his presents last night though cos neither of us could wait hahahah.
He's been busy with his project so he hasn't had time to get me one, but i don't really mind, i don't need a present etc ^^"

Maybe i should do some more of my assignment..


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Thursday 10 April 2014

100414 ~ ♥

Its a fact that there are 7.046 billion people in the world as of 2012.
Well, now its 2014, and the human race just keeps increasing in numbers, so i wonder how many people there are now.
But lets say that the number is still 7.046 billion.. That makes me a very lucky girl.
Out of all these 7.046 billion people, today, i am missing one person.
See, thats what makes me a very lucky girl, because that means that out of all the people that exist on this planet, that one person that i miss, misses me back.
Not many people are lucky enough to find someone that they love, so to be a person that is lucky enough to be experiencing it, I'm treasuring every second.

Theres a phrase that goes something like: 'one in a million', and yet, i have my one in a billion.
To the world, he may just be one person, but to me, one person, he's the world.
Im glad that i have the opportunity to miss him, and that may seem like a strange thing to say, but its true.
I would rather miss him, than not have him to miss, if that makes sense.
I don't know, you think weird things when you're in love, things that people who aren't in love may not necessarily understand.
But having him to miss, is the best present that God could give me.
Apart from my parents, he, is the best present that God has given me, and i appreciate every single second that i spend with him.

On tuesday, i came home for Easter from Birmingham, and i arrived at Euston at 15:33.
Originally, i had planned to stay at his until wednesday, and then go home in the afternoon, but the plans changed because he had something to do wednesday evening.
Either way, i felt that seeing him for a few hours was better than not seeing him at all.
He had a meeting with his tutor at 4pm, and so that meant that by the time i arrived at Waterloo, he had just started his meeting.
I hung around in Starbucks for about half an hour and then he called me to say he was done.
I walked outta Starbucks, with my 28449 bags, and started to walk to the bus stop on Waterloo Bridge to meet him.
So there i am, walking along, and i had butterflies in my tummy.
I always get a nervousness (a good one) just before i see him, and its like an excited nervousness, like i can't wait to see him.
Anyway, he mustve walked really fast, (or i was just walking really slow..) because by the time i got to the beginning of the bridge on my side, i could already see him.
And the moment i saw him, i just felt.. Complete.
All i had in my mind was him.
But, it felt like i was home.
And i was nowhere near home, (i have three homes: Birmingham, home home, and his home) so i came to the conclusion that, at the ripe old age of 21, i finally understand the phrase: 'home is where the heart is'.
Before, i knew that phrase, but i still thought, well, home is where you live.
The only reason why my home home is my home is because it has my family, my memories, my bed.
The only reason Birmingham is my home is because CT is there, its where i go to and from uni, and it also has my bed (you see a pattern here haha ^^)
The only reason why his home is my home, is because he is there.
Without those things, all these homes would just be houses.
Places on a map.

Before i had to leave, we were cuddling on his bed, and I'm telling you now, there is no place that id rather be.
Even whilst I'm sitting here, i wish i was in his arms right about now.
The feeling is indescribable, honestly, its just not something you can put into words, its something you have to feel for yourself.
I feel like every thing else in the world around me just fades away, and its just me and him.
I had to leave to go home at around 10pm, and i did not want to leave.
We got to Waterloo, and the second i had to get on my train, i wished i didnt have to.
Its like as long as were apart, i wish we weren't.
And its silly, because i know il see him in 5 days time, but my gosh does 5 days pass slowly when were not together.

Today, he was busy, and we spoke for about 15 cumulative minutes, probably even less.
And even though i missed him all day, those 15 minutes were enough.
Of course, if it had been longer, it would have been good, but  to know that I'm on his mind for even that amount of time, is enough for me.
He's gone to sleep already, in fact, he's been asleep for a while, and i hope he's having sweet dreams, because he deserves every thing good in life.
Im probably gonna go to sleep soon too bloggy, i just felt like writing some stuff :)
I really do feel like we belong with each other, and every day i am thankful that he is a part of my life.
And on that note, I'm going to sleep bloggy :)


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Sunday 6 April 2014

060413 ~ ♥

Not sure how long BL is gonna beeee, i feel like i wanna wait till he's done gaming, but then i am just literally about to die of tiredness ><"
Were ft'ing atm, but were not talking cos he's gaming, and I'm running out of things to do to keep me awake.
Whys he sucha late bird WAAAAA.
WHAT DO I DO?! #firstworldproblems


Anyways, i have come to you bloggy, because telling you about the struggles of life will get me through this tiredness :D
My arm/shoulder muscles are pretty much broken.
I think its cos i carried buxton waters yesterday and i might have pulled a muscle *sigh*
I feel like my arms are about to fall off or like someones punched them multiple times.

What other pains are there?
Oh yeah, i couldn't buy a train ticket today, cos all my online purchase payments decided to get processed today, and i have a spending limit per day on my card, so i had to borrow CTs card to buy my train ticket LOL

I am also starting to get ill i think, my throat is starting to get sore and I'm getting a bit of a cough, OH YAY.
Okai, my eye sight is going fuzzy, i think i really need to sleep.
BUT I WANNA STAY UP, OHHHHHHH, decisions decisions, i wanna kill myself LOL
Well, i guess death has been decided.
Im totally going on a tangent here cos I'm so tired that I'm going mad and don't even know whats going through my brain atm.
I have word vomit hahahaha, where i just type what goes through my mind, but i don't even know whats going through my mind, its like I'm going madd, THIS IS MADNESSSSSSSSS.
Maybe i should sleep soon..
Yeah, okai imma go before i type any more shit that doesnt make sense bloggy!

Over and OUTTTTT

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Friday 28 March 2014

280314 ~ ♥

Theres a Chinese proverb that goes a little something like this: 甜的吃,苦的也吃
This translates to: Take the sweet, Take the bitter too.
I was watching a drama today, and I think that this is such a great life motto.
It shows that in life, there is good, and bad, and we as humans, should take both.
Without knowing the good, how would we know the bad? And without knowing the bad, how would we know when we've been blessed with the good?
Imagine if everything was good, i can guarantee that everything would feel average.
Even if something amazing happened, we would be like, 'well, that happens all the time.'
We as humans are really ungrateful of what we are given, even when we have the chance to experience the bad, so seriously, take a moment to imagine if everything in this world was good.
I can tell you straight away that it wouldn't be as fun as you'd think.
What I'm trying to say is, whilst you appreciate all the good things when they come to you, know that there will be bad times in your life as well.
When you're happy, know that bad things are bound to come your way, and know that when you're sad, and in a bad place in life, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, and good things will come your way in time, thats just not how life works.

If i had the choice, id still want to experience the bad that I've already experienced in my life.
And as I'm only 21, i can tell you now that i will have many more bad experiences to come.
And i welcome them into my life to make me a better person, because having a chance to better myself is something that i should take advantage of.
There is no such thing as a perfect person, and no matter how much you think another person may be perfect, they aren't.
There are so many underlying factors that you may not know about, and even if you do know that person like the back of your hand, you are not them.
You may see others being very happy, having the 'perfect' life that you may think you want.
But are you saying that you are currently unhappy?
Because i believe that as long as you are happy, then why should you focus on what is making you unhappy, and what you are 'lacking'. Instead, you should focus on what you have, because that is what your life is, and you should be happy with what you have.
Im not saying that you shouldn't follow your dreams, of course thats not what I'm saying, it is always good for a person to have aims and goals.
But what i mean is, if you aren't happy with what you currently have, then what makes you think that you'll be happy just because you have 'more'?
Is that 'more' really what you need? Or is it just something that you feel like you need because you feel like you don't have everything that you want?
What I'm asking is, are you being greedy?

Im a girl, you don't have to tell me about unnecessary wants.
There are a TONNE of unnecessary wants on my list, and yeah, if i got that handbag i want, then yeah, id be happy.
But would it really make me 'happy'?
What even is the meaning of the word 'happy'?
Again, i can tell you straight away, that the happiness i get when i get that handbag, would feel nothing like the happiness that i feel when, lets say, i see my dad after not seeing him for ages, or having a catch up dinner with my friends, or cuddling with BL after a long day of doing nothing.
That there, is happiness, something that you can feel within.
So i guess what I'm trying to get at today is, determine the different types of happiness, and figure out which one is most important, cos i can tell you that its not the materialistic happiness that will get you through the days.

Which leads me to another point, people who say they'd choose money over love.
Ahhhh, what are you thinking dear human?!
Definitely, no question.
You could ask me that again, and again, and again, and id still give you the same answer.
No question.

Okai, now that i think about it, todays blog post has been a bit wishy washy and a bit here and there, but i guess thats how I'm feeling tonight.
Im lying in bed you see bloggy, and I've had a strange day..
I woke up at 09:30, cos CT was getting the train back home today, and so i said id go into town with her.
Then i went to boots to buy some cream.
But then i came back home and at 12, i fell asleep again till 4..
So i missed my lecture and seminar..
I was ridiculously, insanely tired.
It was so abnormal I'm telling you T_T
Then afterwards, i went back into town cos GUESS WHAT?!
I opened the cream and it was empty..
But i guess it got me outta the house LOL.
And then i spent the rest of the day doing nothing.

I miss BL today, he's been a good boy and he's been doing work for the past two days.
I decided not to see him for the next two weeks cos he has a lot of work to do, and i guess i should start my projects too.
The end of my university journey is closing in on me..
Seriously, where the poop has the time gone?!
But yeah, i miss him today, and then i was on tumblr just now, and i saw this post:

I guess the thing that BL said that fit right into the empty place in my heart was: 'DAPHNE!'
If you guys have read my previous blog posts on how we met and what happened between us etc, you'll know why.
But the second he called my name that night after he came outta the club really did make me smile.
And that was the first time he made me smile.
I know he meant it as a friend, and i didn't think of it as more than a friendly thing, but it really did make me smile for some reason.
BL, if you ever read this, thank you for calling my name that night ^^"

Well bloggy, I'm done blogging for today, maybe il blog more again soon!


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Tuesday 25 February 2014

221113 / 250214 ~ ♥

Hahahaa, look what i just found in my drafts from before Christmas bloggy..
Time to edit, update, and post it i guess!

"Hai bloggyyy!

Im currently sat in BLs bed listening to christmas music!
BL is the boyfriend by the way!
I havent really updated you.. But tbh, its all happened so fast that i havent really even had time to update myself!
Its all like WOOAHHHH its all happening so quickly!

I cant believe its already the 22nd of November..
Damn, time really does fly doesnt it?
Less than a month till my birthday, a month and 3 days until christmas, and then a week later, its 2014!

Seeing as i have 15 minutes to kill until i gotta leave to go to mels to get ready for PK tonight, il update you!
So, on new years eve, im off to the Philippines to celebrate my 21st!
I cant believe im turning 21 in less than a month.. ><"
I feel so old damnnn..
Anyways, NYE, im kinda like mehhh, cos its supposed to be me and BLs first NYE together, but like he said, we have lots of NYEs to come so i guess its okai ^^
Then in the summer, I'm going on holiday again with my YOLO group! :D
There is a lot to do this year!
Oh yeah, and im graduating as well, how CRAZY is that?!
Its actually mad.. Where the poop has time gone?!

Hmm.. So where do i start with the BL story?
Ummm, so on the 16th of September, me and YOLO group went to Penthouse for a clubbing event to celebrate WPs 21st.
And there, me and KL2 bumped into DJ and we were like woahhh wtff, havent seen you in like 94595 years! o.O
And with him was BL, JH, and ML.
So that night, me and BL took a picture together, and KL2 was all like THATS SO CUTE LALALA!
Hahaha, and at that time, i was like LOL what is the matter with you woman, are you okai?
But then i guess she really did predict it well.. LMAO
Okai then, me and BL didnt speak, and it was actually ML that was speaking to me, he was really friendly etc
Anyways, then on the 27th, F*CK me its freshers was on, and we all went to that, me and my YOLO group, and then we predrank at EWs and yeah, BL wasnt there or anything.
And then we were in the queue and he was there, and then we didnt really see each other after that.
But half way through the night, i lost all my friends and i found BL and ML, and then i was like oh hiyaaa!
And we all danced together etc, and then me KL2 and PH left to go eat.
But then we came back to find the rest of our friends, and then i was at the entrance cos obviously the event was finishing so we were just waiting outside, and BL was like 'DAPHNEEEE!' and came out and like hugged me, and i was like hi? o.O
And then he gave me his jacket cos it was freezing af (not as cold as it is now, it is legit arctic weather outside atm, i dunno how imma survive the cold inna dress tonight) and he was like hugging me from behind and stuff and i was like whaaaat?
And then i had to go cos i was staying at DJs and i was starting to get on the bus with the jacket on and he was like 'that jackets coming home with me whether its off you or on you' LOOOOOL
So.. With that cheesy line.. We started talking, cos the next day i fb'd him and was like thanks lalala.

OKAI BLOGGY, so im back in Bham, and imma carry on this post cos i had to go out last time!
So yeah, so we started talking on facebook, and i wouldnt say we really got on or anything, in fact the first time we spoke, he was a bit like bland, and i guess maybe we just didnt know each other so we didnt really speak a lot!
Then i had to switch off my 3g cos i was getting the train back to Bham that night so i was like, whats your number, il text you instead?
So then he gave me his number and we started texting, and honestly, i read back on those texts the other day, and lemme tell you, you cannot tell that wed end up how we are now..
We dont seem to have anything in common at all haha!
But maybe we just didnt have a chance to talk about that kinda stuff..
But then i guess i was already like, maaan, this guys a cutiepie ^^

And then on the 9th of October, there was an event called Ten:10, and for some reason, i stayed at his on the 8th..
And we were lying in bed, just chatting, and we had some dmcccc.
And literally we talked for HOURS, just about life, us as individuals, telling each other about ourselves, and it was really interesting.
We got along really well, there was no awkwardness, and you'd expect awkwardness, seeing as we had pretty much JUST met.. And we just spoke about everything really.
We played 20 questions, and we were just finding stuff our about each other, and we had a lot, and by a lot, i mean, a lot, in common.
So then that night, which was technically the 9th, i fell asleep in his arms, (i know right.. we were already like sleeping cuddled up and stuff..) and then i woke up at like 4am to like change sleeping positions, and he woke up too, and suddenly, he kissed me..
And at first i was like what the fudge is this.
I pulled away and i was like 'what are we doing..?'
And he was like 'I dont know'
And i was like omgah..
And then we kissed some more.. Not gonna lie, there was no denying the chemistry between us.
Then we stopped, and i was like wait waittt, we should really talk about this.. (Yeah, im that kinda girl who needs to know where she stands otherwise i get frustrated af LOOL)
And then he was like 'Im really bad with my words' and then he came up with some shitty analogy and he was like 'you know how some people see the curtains as blue, but others might not'
And i was like.. 'wtf are you even tryna say? LOOOL'
And he was like 'Well when we were talking, i was just like i wanna get to know her, like really wanna get to know her.'
So he was basically tryna say he wanted to get to know me but he didnt know whether i wanted the same.. I know, shitty analogy right?!

And i was like.. 'Do you wanna get to know me or do you just wanna do stuff? Cos thats different.'
And hes like 'Both'
And i was like ahh..
Cos i dunno, i dont wanna be friends with benefits, and i hardly knew him right bloggy?!
So i shouldnt get with him or anything of course!
Then we kinda just forgot about it and went to sleep cos i was tired af LOL!

The next dayy was a wednesday, and i ditched him to go hang out with MT, and he was already like 'ohh i see how it is, ditching me :('
Hahaha, needy from day one (i liked it though, it was honestly sooo sweet ^^")
And then Ten:10 came, and honestly we hardly saw each other cos the clubbing event was shit and me, MT, WP and RO left at like 1:30 and went to KFC (post clubbing food is the best! HOT WINGS BABY MMMMMMM)
And then we went to casino to play mahjong and BL came to find me o.O
Like, he left the club early and came to find me?
And then that night, we walked out the casino with my friends, and he like held my hand..?
And i was like omgah o.O Like.. This is happening.. In front of my friends..
And then RO the silly girl didnt wear a coat, so i started to take mine off for her, and she was like, dont be silly lalala, and i was like, noo seriously its fine, cos BL was taking his jacket off for me.
But then RO still didnt lemme take off mine for her, so i was like to BL, give RO your jacket, and he actually did hahaha!
Bless himm ^^
And he told me he kinda missed me and stuffs hehehe ^^"
Then we got to the bus stop to take the night bus home, and then like after waiting for like 15 minutes, BL was like, i forgot my keys..
So we had to wait for JH and ML to finish eating, and i was like, allowww waiting at the bus stop, so we walked back to china town to find the others to wait for them to eat!

Then the next week, i went to London to see him again on the Tuesday, and then on the Wednesday morning, like, 1am kinda time, we were lying in bed, and i was messing about, and i changed his phone background to me hahaha :D
And then we were talking and we were kissing, and i was like, were moving too fast.. I dont wanna do anything like this, like no friends with benefits..
And then he was like, 'Really?! Were at this stage (and he showed his phone to me with my face on it) and you say were not more than friends?'
And i was like.. 'You never asked.."
And then he asked me out!
Did you know bloggy, this was the very first date of my life..
Ive never been so happy in my lifeeeeee! ^^
It was the best day/date EVER.
And he did this thing where he was watching me be happy, and he looked so happy seeing me be happy, i dont even know how to describe it..
Like, he still does it now, hell just look at me and smile, i dont really get it, and it makes me shy cos im like, why are you looking at me? ><"
But yeahh, just seeing him smile as well, it makes me so happy ^^
And he tells me like, as long as im happy, then he is too..

And then like, as time has passed, we just keep finding stuff that we have in common..
Like, the way we think, our sense of humour, the majority of our morals, our thoughts on life, our thoughts on the future, just us in general..
Both JH and CT tell us that were like the same person but im a girl and hes a boy.
Ahahaha, and i agree, we are literally the same person, we pre-drink the same, were both dorky, and yeah, its the freaking best.
We actually have so much in common, and i would list them bloggy, but itd take foreverrr.

So yeahhh, weve been together 2 weeks over a month noww!
Its seriously gone so quickly, i dont even know where the time has gone.
I finally feel like my boyfriend is also my best friend now.
Ive never felt that before, but yeah, im finally experiencing it and its the best ^^
Like, i dont always feel like im lovey dovey with him, but when i am, its great, and sometimes when were not together or talking, i dont feel like, omg i have a boyfriend, i need to always talk to him, but like, i know hes my boyfriend.
Theres a really good balance.. Does that make sense?
Ahhh i dunno how to explain it, maybe im just being really lame and in love T_T"


So now, its been 4 months and 9 days since we've been together..
I am now 21, in fact, its 2014, and I'm 22 this year.
Oh my life T_T
Im getting so old.
We have had many more dates since our aquarium one, we went to the zoo!
And we finally had a cinema date.
We've just done a lot together, so much that i don't even remember some of the stuff because were literally like an old married couple..
I spend most of my week with him, and I'm in Bham hardly ever now, which sucks cos i miss CT too :(
But yeah, were practically an old married couple, we even went to B&Q together to shop for taps.. LOOOL!
I drove for the very first time, and he said i was good >:]
Drivings fun you know?!
And then obviously because now its February, Valentines Day just passed, but he had work, so we made up for it on tuesday, and we went to Duck and Waffle, and eurgh it was just the best, and AJFiapgbuaobg.
Were still the same, its strange, its like, were in the honeymoon stage still, but also comfortable, but its like we've been like this since day one..
I think cos we have so much in common, we just got along really well from the beginning and we've just been comfortable from the beginning, but we've also been on dates since the beginning.. It makes me think that well always be like this and well always just be all stages rolled into one (which is a good thing haha, in fact, its an amazing thing.)
Honestly, when i talk about him, i struggle for words, because i don't even know how to describe what i feel..
Its so lame of me, but whatever.
But yeah, if you wanna know about my silly soppy feelings, just read the post below, because thats actually from today! I guess today is a day of catching up with you :)


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250214 ~ ♥

I never thought that id be lucky enough to experience what I'm experiencing right now.
Those who are lucky enough to experience love should really treasure it, because it will be the most indescribable emotion/feeling, that you will ever feel.
You know when you think that you're not good enough for anyone, that theres noone out there for you, that noone could possibly want to be with you out of all people?
Just know that even if you think this, theres always light at the end of the tunnel, your guy/girl will come, and when they do, the wait will have been worth it, because patience is a virtue, and good things come to those who wait.

There are so many things that i could say about him, about us.
But as i sit here, i realise that i would be typing forever.
There are literally just too many things that i could say and write.

I can't really sum into words how he makes me feel, but in the least amount of words possible, i can tell you that for now, he's the one.
And by that, i mean, forever.
That word can be scary, forever, if you think about it, thats a hella long time.. But its true, thats really how i feel.
And regardless of how he feels, and whether he feels the same, i know that my feelings are real.
People who have been married for years and years will say, she doesnt know what true love is, how does she know he's the one?
But, you know when you can just tell?
Thats how i feel.
Every waking (and sleeping) moment spent with him is the happiest moment.
When he tells me that i come before everyone else, that outta everyone in this world, I'm the most important.. I can't even begin to describe how that makes me feel.

Its like when he holds my hand when were walking along, it feels like he's gonna bring me somewhere good, no matter where it is.
Its like i know he'll guide me good places.
And i feel safer with him than I've ever felt with anyone else, when he cuddles me in bed, when I'm lying in his arms on our phones, when were sat there and he's playing guitar and I'm singing along, or just when were sat there doing nothing, i feel like I'm in the best place possible.
Its like all i want him to be happy. His happiness > My happiness.
This is a lame ass post T_T IM SO GAY OMG AKfHAAUGEAA ><"

Is it possible to find yourself, literally, your exact same self, in someone else?
Because thats what I've managed to find.
He is literally me, in male form, is that possible?!
We laugh at the same stupid things, we have the same stupid sense of humour, everyone else thinks were bat shit mental hahaha, but honestly, we don't give a shit, and its great, that i can be myself around someone, and they're themselves around me.
And I'm happy because I'm the first person (so he says, and so il believe) that he's ever opened up to like this, and it actually makes me feel really privileged, to know that he trusts me so much.
Of course, we have slight differences, some of our morals are different, but then its like, they're so different, were two halves and then we make a whole?
Like how i like to post pictures of us on instagram, and he doesnt like to do that, but then he loves pda, and i don't, and its like, were the same but different, AND I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE IT.
I guess you'd have to be me, or him, to understand just what its like to be us..

Ahhhh, he makes me feel like the luckiest girl in this world ^^"
And its so lame, cos i say this stuff, and its CRINGEY AF, and it makes me wanna punch a wall to feel manlier, but then at the same time, i mean every single word, and i love it *sigh*
Im just so freaking happy with him, BLAHHAIHGAIAFBABAUBFA, GAAAYYYYYY.

Basically bloggy, all i wanted to say was, hi, how are you? And that, heres my update, because i haven't updated for a long time, its been a great 4.5 months with Ben, so I've been a bit busy, SORRY!
Il try and update more in the future ^^
Im getting old, 22 this year.. Holy moly i am ancient..
Im already like, a quarter way through my life (if i get to live till 80 that is..)


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