Ive loved these times...
During the past 3 months, its been the best time of my life
All the fun, the laughter, the sadness, the crying, the hyperness, the boringness...
Its been a real eye opener, to realise that there is no such thing as too many friends.
But that doesnt mean that i didnt love those times when i didnt have all these friends.
Now, to me, these people are important, whether im important to them, is something that il never know, but to me, they play a big part in my life.

And then theres these times, which i miss so so much.
What happened to them?
Were we young, innocent and carefree?
Or we were actually best friends then, when we trusted each other, when we laughed with each other, when we were friends with each other.
I dont know which one i want more.
To have friends who i now love so much, who give me so much fun, who give me all these times that i know il remember.
Or have friends who ive always loved so much, who have given me so m uch fun, who have fiven me all those times that i know il remember, but dont seem to give me all those times anymore.
I dont want to have to choose, because i can see the outcome.
But when you have to chose, which do you choose?
If im honest, i really doubt im gonna choose, i love them all too much for that.
And if im telling the truth, i can see what that will lead to.
But i can say, that there are certain people who things have obviously changed with.
I cant do anything about that anymore, i really cant.
Its not even that, its the fact that i miss people so much.
Thank you for giving me all these times.
I remember each and every one of them.
And thank you for making my summer amazing.
You mean so much to me.
Im sure you can see which one leads to which.
I just realised how it seems, that the first set of pictures are now all boys, and the second set of pictures were all girls.
That idea was so not meant to be put across.
Just go with what i said above, im all paranoid now, even though theres no need to be ><
Over and OUTTT