Allow my dad putting fear into my heart.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Saturday, 19 November 2011
191111 x
Currently at KY's with CT, CT and KC.
CT is a dick.
Cos he just tried to scare me cos they all watched insidious T_T
ANYWAYS, just watched 72 tenants and it was so jokes
BLAH BLAH, gonna watch Forensic Heroes now cos we have nothing else to do and me and CT havent watched todays episode.
Episode 28 already!
Cant believe its gonna end so sooon!
Im not gonna have anything to do anymore every night at 6:30 =p
We had takeaway tonightt ^^
Havent eaten chinese takeaway for too longg, omnomnomnom.
TC goes to Paris inna bit, so gayyy.
Not gonna be able to text the whole day, bumholeys.
But yeah, off to watch Forensic Heroes nowww.
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Friday, 18 November 2011
181111 ♥ x
To go to KY's home home or nott?
Thing is, if i dont go, then it means that CT wont be able to spend the weekend with KY cos she said shed stay with me
Whatta good friend she is ^^ <3
But i dont wanna be the one to separate them for the weekend ><
I really wanted to have a girl weekend with CT, but seeing as the 5 of us havent actually properly hung out for a while, i kinda wanna spend time as a group this weekend :)
So il probably end up goingg.
I guess we can just have a girl weekend another week...
Thing is, if i dont go, then it means that CT wont be able to spend the weekend with KY cos she said shed stay with me
Whatta good friend she is ^^ <3
But i dont wanna be the one to separate them for the weekend ><
I really wanted to have a girl weekend with CT, but seeing as the 5 of us havent actually properly hung out for a while, i kinda wanna spend time as a group this weekend :)
So il probably end up goingg.
I guess we can just have a girl weekend another week...
Posted by : DeeBeeex
181111 ♥ x
I have a lot to blog about ohmygod.
I have not blogged for TOO long!
Currently watching Frozen Planet on BBC iPlayer like a geek >:]
Its interesting already!
I love documentaries ohmygod.
I was gonna save it so that i could watch it tomorrow during lunch time, but i just finished watching Forensic Heroes 3 and I'm freaking out cos its so damned scary!
What to talk about first?
Personal, friends, family or boyfriend?
I think ill start with my own shit seeing as I'm me...
LOL ^^
I slept for like 3 hours last night cos me, CT, KY and KC were talking about really scary ass stuff and i was shit scared to sleep..
Every time i started drifting off, i woke up again.
Then it got too hot and I'm like OMG, but i needed my duvet around me so that i could feel safe.
So then i finally fall asleep properly, and it turns out the drive thing has turned itself on...
So then at like 8am, TC texts me morning and it automatically reads out, therefore scaring me shitless and i like, wake up in shock and I'm frigging scared as.
Jesus christ.
I really fucking miss my friends ohmygod.
It feels like i haven't seen them forever.
I miss 2KL especially, its like part of me is missing, WHERE ARE THEY OMG?!
Mehh i have a feeling this blog is gonna take a lifetime cos i am getting seriously distracted by Frozen Planet, ITS SO GOOD!
Anywayyyy, my blob is late, and I'm semi blobbing awkwardly which makes me freaked out that I'm pregnant.
But i don't think i am.
I hope I'm not.
Uni has been a new experience for me, OBVIOUSLY.
Its really different but I've slowly gotten used to it now cos I'm a gangster :D
Ho hummm...
The work load is ridiculous.
Im sat here like, wtfff is happening with my life?!
There is sooo much work to do and i cannot frigging manage it!
I have about £80 in my bank...
Whichh is just great cos I'm still at uni for another month before christmas holidays...
I have like, over a month of christmas holidays, its like 5 weeks long..
Im not even kidding!
But i have to come back to bham on the 3rd anwyays to hand in assignments.
Two 2500 word assignments!
I am dreading it like no tomorrow.
Friends next:
I miss my friends, as I've mentioned.
It seems like a lot has happened whilst I've been away.
There are some things i need to complain about.
Well.. not necessarily complain, but talk about..
AS, RK and JW are going to Loughborough to see AB.
I wasn't even invited.
RK only talks to me about MH.
Don't get me wrong, i don't mind at all, i get that her and MH are having problems and i completely get it.
AS hardly texts me back.
But i know she has new boys and friends and what not, so its okai.
AS knows how i feel about her and her random boys but i told her that as long as she's happy then its okai.
AB hasn't even tried to talk to me.
Which is just great.
Well.. Lets just not go there.
I thought i meant more to them than this, but obviously i don't.
Sometimes you question what you've always felt.
They talk to each other massive amounts, they talk to each other daily about normal shit, just like they used to.
But me?
Im left out of it.
And it hurts.
But i wouldn't talk to them about it, because its up to them who they talk to.
I still love them to pieces, i can't do anything about this.
The balls in their court
But i don't wanna make them feel as if they're forced to talk to me.
To me, theyve all really changed.
But to themselves and each other, they probably haven't.
I don't blame them for not thinking anything of leaving me out.
If thats how they feel then thats that.
But they could've made an effort to talk to me.
But hey, its okai.
Those poos.
I miss them like mad!
I saw them a few weeks ago.
It was the besttt.
We went to the river and played with the duckies ^^
I had so much fun with them, it makes me miss the times back in 6th form when i could see them so much more often ><
Now talking about my new friends :)
KY and GCT are now together :)
CT is with EC now and they're always together :)
So that leaves me and KC.
Im notta single pringle cos i have TC but he isn't with us al the time sooo..
Sometimes, i feel like imma third wheel to KY and GCT, it kinda sucks, but were all good friends, so i can't complain and they're a new couple so they're bound to be on it moree.
i hardly see BCT anymore since he got with EC.
He's always dinnering with her.
I don't even mind really, it would just be nice to see him some time during the day.
It used to be us 5.
But for the past week, I've seen BCT like... a few days only?
Well, as long as he's happy, then so am i.
I can't complain if my friends are happy.
I just wish we could do more as a group again..
Only 2 months exactly into uni and things are already starting to change.
I hate change.
My deddy has a really bad cough but he still won't stop coughing :(
My daddy loves me and is helping me organise my birthday dinner ^^
Surprise surprise, mammy is all blah blah blah about itt.
Which is kinda unfair seeing as she's asking all my friends to bring back like, the world for her to HK T_T
Even if my friends say its okai, its like.. well its not okai really is it?!
But oh well...
What can i do?
Moving onto TC, my silly billy.
I miss himmmm.
And i saw him like... 4 days ago.
It seems like 4 days too long agooo!
Ive seen him starting 2 weeks into uni, every single weekend apart from 3 weeks ago when i went back homeee.
And now this weekend because he's back at home.
Ive been to Sheffield 3 times and he's come to Birmingham 3 times too.
Every time we leave each other, we can't wait to see each other again.
A 4 day wait feels like a lifetimeeee.
Like literally sooo longgg, BOOOO!
But when the time comes to see each other, its totally worth it <3
Its the besttt ^^
When i went to Sheffield for Bonfire night, he bought me to his favourite place in the whole of Sheffield ^^
You can see the whole of Sheffield there!
Its amazing, its like, really high up and it was really cold but we were both wrapped up warm and we cuddled and watched fireworks together! ^^
It was the best evening I've had since i came to uni.
It was all romantic and stuff =p
Cringee to a next level but i don't care ^^
Fireworks are so pretty but loud!
He's been the best boyfriend since uni and i think we've gotten stronger.
I love him to pieces ^^
Im not even kidding..
But no seriously, whenever I'm not with him i miss him so muchhhh, and i know he feels the same wayyy.
If he was a blogger, he'd be telling you the same thinggg! ^^
We love spending time together and we ruff each there lots :)
Baby + Baby = Forever & Always ^^ <3
Anwyays, thats about it really!
I gotta sleep cos I'm uber tired, even though i don't have lectures tomorrow cos its FRIDAYYY!
Cos you know, i hardly had sleep last night and i haven't napped today.
Its been a long 10 - 6:30 day today.
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
251011 ♥ x
All in all, todays been a pretty mediocre/sucky day.
Im sad.
I think I'm really disappointed.
I don't think I've been this disappointed for a long time.
Im not disappointed at himmm, I'm just disappointed because i won't be able to see him throughout december.
I knew it was gonna be hard, but not this hard.
But thing is, I'm scared.
Im scared that him not coming to see me is the start of something again.
Like, I'm just scared that well drift thats all.
Every time we drift, i just wanna die.
Its like a whole part of me is missing.
If anything, il go and see him.
Il go to sheffield every week just to see him.
Id do it.
I just wanna see him smile, i wanna see him happy.
Am i being a demanding girlfriend?
Wanting to see him all the time?
Am i being greedy?
Please don't let something bad happen, please.
I need this boy in my life.
Please don't let him let go.
Its like, i know he won't, but i just hate seeing him stressed.
Him being stressed means him being all sad.
God i hate seeing him sad :(
Hes all 'meh' and 'eurgh and its just not him.
I just wanna see him and give him a massive hug.
I want everything to be okai.
I love him too much for him not to stay :(
Please make him happy again, pleaseee.
Posted by : DeeBeeex
251011 ♥ x
He asked if he could post a picture onto her wall.
I said fine.
I don't want him to not do it just cos of me so i said fine.
Then he figured out that i was meh about it, so he's like, you sound sad.
I was like, no, you can do it, i don't mind.
He's like, i can't be bothered anymore, i don't wanna do it anymore.
Im like, you don't have to not do it just cos of me, if you wanna do it, do it, you don't have to askkk.
And now were not really talking, just sat here.
Now i feel like some shitass girlfriend.
Ohhhh gayyyyy.
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
181011 ♥ x
Fudgeeee this feeling.
Why do i feel this way?
Im going to bed T_T
Lecture at 10, waking up at 8:45!
6.75 hours sleep, boooo.
Over and OUTTTTT
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
121011 ♥ x
Havent blogged in too long ><"
I should really blog moreee.
But I'm with my friends all the time so its like, i don't really have time :(
Seeing as i have a lot to blog aboutt...
Im not kidding.
Mehh, but for now, I'm really tired and hungry from the gym, SO IMMA EAT >:]
So all that calorie burning was frigging pointless T_T
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
280911 ♥ x
Been at uni for 2 weeks, its gotten better :)
Ive met lots of new people, and i hang out with pretty much the same people everyday ^^
CT, KY, KC, CT and SC.
You'd think that you'd get bored, hanging out with the same people daily, but its actually the best :)
But it really sucks missing my old friends.
I really miss talking to them and seeing them all the time, its like a part of me has gone, but i guess i just have to adjust.
I can't wait to get back inna few months to see them, gahhhhh.
Its so hard, i miss him so much.
What do i do?
I hear a girl in the background and i immediately feel like my hearts about to stop.
Its not like i don't trust him, or think he's gonna do anything, its the fact that all these girls are around him every day and me? Well I'm about 2 hours away from him.
Its not like i can stop it, its not like i would, but god it makes me feel stupid.
Like i shouldn't care, cos i don't control what he does but eurghhhh, boooo.
I miss him so much :(
Like a lottttt.
It really sucks to know that i can't like, function properly without him, but i can't really help my feelings can i?
I can't believe its been over a year since day 1..
Times gone sooo quickly, A YEAR!
I was like o.O!
He was like, happy anniversaryy ^^ <3
Im so touchy sometimes, it kinda sucks, but what can you doooo, i smell ><
Skyping mum at the momentttt, she keeps calling me mann
She's not even letting me like be independent, lalala
I dunnoes, pissing me offffffff ><
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Saturday, 17 September 2011
170911 ♥ x
Been a sad few days, saying goodbye to people seriously sucks
It honestly feels like the end, even when its not, like, i know its not, cos il see them in 3 months, but it feels like its honestly the end just cos I've been seeing them daily for like 2 years.
Ive said bye to TC 3 times now, we keep thinking its the last time well say bye to each other for now, but then the next day, us lot will all hang out again and there'll be another goodbye.
Well, last night was truly the last one, we won't be saying goodbye anymore, cos we are both leaving for uni tomorrow!
Im leaving bright and early at 7 am, imma be so shattered but its cool cos i can sleep in that 2 hour car journey <3
Its so frigging sad leaving, i cried for so much fml, it just makes you cry and cry and cry like a bitch and its horrible and honestly the worst
But il see them at christmas and during new years, i better.
It is gonna be really hard for me and TC at uni, we both know it, but we said wed make it work and well see each other and skype each other as much as possible.
I get worried though, like, whats gonna happen and stuff
What if there are loads of new girls there that he hopelessly falls in love with cos I'm just not good enough.
But i trust him and he trusts me, so its okai ^^
He told me he loved me the other day ^^
Hehehehe, *happyfacetimesalot*
And my sorry friends from LDN, didn't even come to kingston to see me, the gayboys
I no longer love them T_T
But nahh, its okaii, i hope the ones going to uni have fun and the ones off to college behave and do well! ^^
Imma miss everyone so much, i can't even express it ><
It makes me feel kinda lost, cos I'm just like, ohmybuddha, like, what the poop do i do without them?
And i can't help but worry that when we get back, everyones gonna have changed and been influenced by the new people around them and we won't be the same friends as we used to be.
I think thats ones of the main issues ><
I guess its all a part of growing up but it kinda sucks..
I hope that when we get back, everything will be the same and will be as good as it is now <3
Otherwise il cry, then die, then slap someone :D
Imma miss you guys and i love you guys
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Sunday, 11 September 2011
110911 ♥ x
I just re-read all of AB's blog.
Fudge i hate that guy.
That stupid guy who ruined her life.
Still, she seems to be picking herself back up now, it seems as if she's succeeded in forgetting.
But, how much has she actually forgotten?
I highly doubt, and i know, that she hasn't.
I can bet anything.
I just think she's tryna move on with her life, which is what needed to be done.
And now, through it all, i think its back to CH.
CH, my bffl and dmc buddy >:]
I honestly think that one day, they'll end up back together.
Who knows if it will be for the better, or the worse, but i truly think they'll end up back together.
People say its not as easy as it seems, and of course its not.
But i think that ultimately, they'll see what they've been missing for the past year.
Each other.
Me and CH talk a lot about him and AB, i think he feels safe telling me and that we talk about it together.
It feels good to know that he trusts me and that he can turn to me when he needs to.
Its really hard seeing him like this, not like, hard, but i dunnoes, odd.
When someone you thought was like, really hard and strong, can actually be such a softie at times, its odd to see the difference and contrast.
Mmm.. anyways...
In like, a week.
A week today, il be sleeping at uni...
Not in my own bed...
Im really gonna miss being at home, it really sucks.
I dont wanna leave at all and i wanna just stay at home and be comfortable.
I don't want change, i don't wanna leave.
Me and TC talked about uni again today.
Its so fucking SAD.
He's leaving on the same day as me.
Whereas all my other friends are leaving on like, the 24th and stuff...
So its like, they all have one more week at home and me and him are leaving so damned early
Its honestly the worst.
I am gonna miss everyone so frigging much.
I was doing their presents to take to uni last night and i was just like *cries* at how frigging far apart were all gonna be.
Its actually the worst.
Im like, on the verge of crying all the time cos i don't wanna be apart from my babies
It makes me so sad how were not gonna see each other every day.
Its true what people say, its a new start, lalala.
Well, it may be true, i have no clue, I'm not there yet.
But... RIght now, all I'm thinking is, you know what, i don't wanna fucking new start.
I wanna stay where i am right now.
Where everything i fine and dandy and jut frigging amazing.
But i guess you gotta grow up, its all you can do..
Theres no stopping it, or delaying it, you just gotta deal with it.
I think it gonna be the hardest for us all, i mean, the ones going to uni.
Cos its like, we got so used to being with each other all the time, so now that were not, its gonna be so different and were gonna find it so difficult to adapt to.
Its also gonna be hard cos were all gonna be making new friends separately, and were gonna continue growing up separately.
So its gonna be sooo gay.
But at least when we come back for the holidays, well see each other.
They're not the only ones imma miss.
Im gonna miss my LDN lot too.
Those silly pabos <3
I guess it'll be easier, in comparison to my school friends, cos i hardly see these friends as it is.
We go to different schools, were in spread school years and i don't live in London, whilst they do.
They can see each other after school, all the time.
Whereas i gotta travel like an hour to see them, and its not fucking cheap either.
But I'm not gonna deny that every single trip has been worth it.
I could not wish for better friends.
And they honestly give me some of the best memories that i have.
This Saturdays gonna be the last time i see them, hopefully they're all free and can come out and see me.
I dont wanna leave without seeing them.
It would be the worst.
I hope they all do well in school, and that they continue being the amazing people that they are whilst I'm not there to look after them.
And my babies better take care and be safe <3
Mehhh, my mothers being a gay and making me tidy the house.
I swear she gets too much joy outta tidying, its kinda asks.
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Saturday, 10 September 2011
100911 ♥ x
The pub last night was so good :)
Roughly like 20 or so odd people came, and its so good to catch up with friends that you haven't seen for what seems like lightyears!
Some people couldn't come cos of work though, so that sucked :(
But yeah, the people who did come, it was so good seeing them!
Its like, i didn't realise how much id missed them till i saw them last night, and i was like, i wish i was back at school againnnn :(
Like, when JS was like, dancing all silly to the music and JF was drinking water cos of his heart =p
And seeing FH again was soo good ^^
And i hadn't seen AB in like, a thousand fucking years, and i finally saw AS as well after she finished work.
We all got bare emotional cos we probably won't see each other before uni and its just the worst cos the next time we see each other will probably be like, christmas time when we all come back from uni
And happy birthday to MH!
He turns 19 today omg.
I can't believe he's so old already!
But i have so much i need to thank this business buddy for.
Its actually unreal how much he's helped me, not just in business, but like, in life as well!
That makes me sound mental T_T
Nahh, like, in our lessons wed DMC, and just talk about stuff in general.
And i will miss all our business lessons together, its gonna be so weird without them seeing as I've had them 3 times a week for the past 2 years!
I hope you have a great day baby :) <3
Damnn, this laptop gets so much battery wasted when you turn up the brightness, but without the brightness, i feel like I'm frigging blind and can't frigging see T_T
And ohmygod.
I am still homeless for uni.
If i don't get accommodation, I'm gonna end up living in a fucking box or something.
But its okai, imma calm and hope for the best and call them on monday, or I'm really gonna have some mental breakdown and die.
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Friday, 9 September 2011
090911 ♥ x
Its been a quiet past few days, just been with family and TC :)
I really miss AS, since she said i talked to her awkwardly, we haven't really talked that much.
It feels like I'm losing her, but its like, if i text her, then will she text back?
It feels like she doesn't wanna talk to me about her issues anymore, like EY and stuff.
But if she came to me, telling me about it, id be there for her.
But it seems my advice given to her in the past may not have mattered as much as id hoped.
I really wanted to make sure she felt better, i wanted her to smile, to not be sad over this stupid guy who's not worth it.
But then again, this is like how she felt probably when i had those issues with TC.
I guess i can't help her if she doesn't wanna come to me.
Like before, she said to me that she couldn't help me if i didn't take her advice.
But it seems like she took my advice but meh i dunno.
I just want her to be okai :)
Its better when she's happy, but i guess she needs to do it in her own time, much like everyone else and everything else.
It'll all get better in time for her hopefully :)
Im sure it will <3
TC's on his way over nowww, I'm excited to see him :)
Were going to the pub together to meet all our friends ^^
Its the best!
A before uni gathering!
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
060911 ♥ x
Went to Kingston with RK todayyy
Gotta jumper from Topman, and leg warmers from M&S, and dry shampoo from Boots, and One Day book version ^^
Reading it atm and taking a break to bloggg!
Listening to Vanilla Twilight by Owl City atmm :)
Its such cutie songgg!
I stole it off TCs iPod :D
After Kingston, i went to central to meet CS to give him his presents.
That silly boy with his tiffany cup T_T
Sat in Costa for a while, can't believe he's shaved his head, i knew the change he was talking about would be his hair!
Im too smart!
Ive consumed like a whole lifetimes worth of food...
I was uber fat! :D
It was the best!
TC was at Wembley in the evening watching a football match so we didn't text for a while, cos i was busy during the dayyy.
We didn't text much yesterday either, blehh, its the worsttttt.
And now were talking about uni and stuff..
And how like, were not gonna see each other for the very first month cos well be settling in and its just the worst :(
Im like, *cries* just thinking about it
It seriously sucks big time.
My god, i forgot to tell you guys, when i went to LDN to see MT and WP last week, WE WENT TO A SUSHI BUFFET AT YO SUSHI.
I think i had a whole oceans worth of seafood in my stomach and i couldn't move, or breathe LMAO!
We had to drag our drunk on sushi selves round london after to siew fa
Then me and WP were sitting on this bench and MT was lying on the grass and some weird ass man came up to me and WP and started chatting shit about some girl?
We were trying so hard not to piss ourselves LMAOOOO! ^^
It was such good day with my girls <3
Im so frigging tired now from a long dayyy, imma sleep soon (LOL JOKES, I NEVER SLEEP EARLY)
But yeahhh!
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Sunday, 4 September 2011
040711 ♥ x
Okai, firstly, what the poop is up with this weather?!
Its like D=
Its all droopy and grey and just looking like its gonna rain.
Secondly, i am blogging for the first time on my mac! :)
Yes i gotta mac!
Got it on thursdayyy?
Its so beautiful ^^
I also gotta Hello Kitty case for it AHAHA!
Cos i love my Hello Kitty >:]
Love to my uncles and aunties for buying me it <3
I should probably get insurance though, cos I'm bringing it with me to uni!
It best not get stolen T_T
I will not be a happy bunny, i swear to god, fat sai lok man!
LOL, i love how this autocorrects my spelling
I don't like it :(
Cos some words i actually just spell funny on purpose, and its like, awkward...
So the past few days have been very full of tears actually :(
Well.. week really...
I can't believe its 2 weeks till i go to Bham!
Imma be leaving so much behind, i don't know whether I'm uber happy or uber sad.
I do not wanna leave everything behind, it feels like its a completely new start when its not.
Its so odd and such weird feeling ><
So TC came over the other day, and we hung out and he stayed over :)
Some stuff happened and yeahhh.
And we talked about stuff, and how were staying together for uni.
Haaa, he has a rice cooker thats big enough for me and him >:] *smugface*
My rice cookers quite medium sized actually!
Cos my mum was like, then you can put other food in it and make it at the same time as the rice!
And it also keeps warm, my really mini one doesn't keep rice warm :(
SO that isn't the best!
2KL came over on Friday before work (okai, at this point, can i just point out that they didn't autocorrect Friday for me, but they autocorrected my other stuff T_T How silly...)
Yeah, and this means that my first photo album was created on my laptop! :D

Work has been boring the past 2 days, well whens it ever been fun?
But yeah, its been uber boring, but making money and saving it for uni is important right now!
My wireless doesn't seem to work for my laptop, so i gotta call apple.
But TC may be coming over tonight, so il see if he can fix it for me ^^
If not, then il call apple.
Okai, so basically, i suck and now its the 5th of September :)
TC came over last night at like 21:30 LMFAO ><
Ooopssyy, but i made it up to him! :D
With lots of hugs :D
Hahahahaha ^^
And now he's sitting right here next to me.
And i made him watch a Mary Kate and Ashley video cos i wanted to watch it cos I'm that cool :)
Hes sucha cutie :)
AS thinks that I've been awkward with her
Its not what i wanted her to think at all :(
Aish, i didn't even realise id been like that at all and i definitely wasn't tryna be like that! ><
Im so sorry :(
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Thursday, 1 September 2011
010911 ♥ x
Cant believe it just turned into September...
Its gone really really fast.
Off to uni this month, fml.
Not really in the mood to blog much today.
Il tell you about my past 2 days tomorrow or something.
I need my bed.
And a cuddle.
Fuck this.
Its gone really really fast.
Off to uni this month, fml.
Not really in the mood to blog much today.
Il tell you about my past 2 days tomorrow or something.
I need my bed.
And a cuddle.
Fuck this.
Posted by : DeeBeeex
Monday, 29 August 2011
290811 ♥ x
Uber excited/nervous/whatever feelings can be felt.
Just now, i told AS that whenever she tells me that ive ditched SHINee for TC, it actually upsets me.
And i think now, shes upset with me...
Which is really awks cos i was just tryna be honest.
Like, it honestly does hurt.
Its happened a few times now, where ive felt so shit for "ditching" SHINee.
Like, thats not even the main thing, i just dont want her to hate me over something she thinks ive done.
Like, she keeps apologsing.
I dont want her to, i just want her to not like hate me.
It feels like she dislikes me for it but wont say it directly and just says that to get it out.
But its not even the case, i still like jizz over them, i just dont talk about it as much.
And now i feel really crap cos it feels like ive upset her, but i was honestly just tryna be honest with her.
Like, i dunno, but now i feel crap.
I should just shut my mouth.
I will never talk again in my life T_T
What is wrong with me?
This isnt what friends do.
But then, i cant help how i feel and i actually get upset by it.
Eurghhh alloww lifeeeeee.
Now shes not responding.
Oh nooo, this is the worst ><"
Talking of this is the worst, i think EY is a gay.
He doesnt even realise how amazing she is and hes just a gay.
He bare like talks to her sometimes, then doesnt talk to her sometimes, then makes it feel like he likes her, then doesnt.
Then like, WHAT DOES HE WANT?!
Eurghh, i am mad at him.
Someone else im mad at?
My mother.
My god.
I cried so much today.
Shes practically forcing me to go ask Brunel if i can still go.
I told her i wanna go Bham.
But apparently she doesnt get it.
I cant take this stress mann!
Now she wants me to go to Brunel and talk to them personally?
But good things;
That made me happy.
It was his birthday yesterday, so he had loads of cake!
I told my mum about me and TC last night, and she was completely fine with it o.O
Like, she talked to me about being careful and stuff, but shes completely fine and is letting him come over and stay over?
I was like, wow, who are you and what have you done with my mum?
But hehh, im happy ^^
So i have a new background now so its all good in the hood :)
Ive finished writing letters for 2KL, AB, AS, RK already :)
Ive just gotta write TC's now.
Im also thinking of starting on their presents because im lame but im just cool like that at the same time ^^
Uber excited/nervous/whatever feelings can be felt.
Just now, i told AS that whenever she tells me that ive ditched SHINee for TC, it actually upsets me.
And i think now, shes upset with me...
Which is really awks cos i was just tryna be honest.
Like, it honestly does hurt.
Its happened a few times now, where ive felt so shit for "ditching" SHINee.
Like, thats not even the main thing, i just dont want her to hate me over something she thinks ive done.
Like, she keeps apologsing.
I dont want her to, i just want her to not like hate me.
It feels like she dislikes me for it but wont say it directly and just says that to get it out.
But its not even the case, i still like jizz over them, i just dont talk about it as much.
And now i feel really crap cos it feels like ive upset her, but i was honestly just tryna be honest with her.
Like, i dunno, but now i feel crap.
I should just shut my mouth.
I will never talk again in my life T_T
What is wrong with me?
This isnt what friends do.
But then, i cant help how i feel and i actually get upset by it.
Eurghhh alloww lifeeeeee.
Now shes not responding.
Oh nooo, this is the worst ><"
Talking of this is the worst, i think EY is a gay.
He doesnt even realise how amazing she is and hes just a gay.
He bare like talks to her sometimes, then doesnt talk to her sometimes, then makes it feel like he likes her, then doesnt.
Then like, WHAT DOES HE WANT?!
Eurghh, i am mad at him.
Someone else im mad at?
My mother.
My god.
I cried so much today.
Shes practically forcing me to go ask Brunel if i can still go.
I told her i wanna go Bham.
But apparently she doesnt get it.
I cant take this stress mann!
Now she wants me to go to Brunel and talk to them personally?
But good things;
That made me happy.
It was his birthday yesterday, so he had loads of cake!
I told my mum about me and TC last night, and she was completely fine with it o.O
Like, she talked to me about being careful and stuff, but shes completely fine and is letting him come over and stay over?
I was like, wow, who are you and what have you done with my mum?
But hehh, im happy ^^
So i have a new background now so its all good in the hood :)
Ive finished writing letters for 2KL, AB, AS, RK already :)
Ive just gotta write TC's now.
Im also thinking of starting on their presents because im lame but im just cool like that at the same time ^^
Posted by : DeeBeeex